UKCCEF UK Cave Conservation Emergency Fund
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The United Kingdom Cave Conservation Emergency Fund (UKCCEF) is a charitable fund administered by the British Cave Research Association (BCRA). This is the official UKCCEF web site accessible via

The objectives of the Fund are to support projects that further the conservation of caves and cave features as set out below. Reference to a cave or cave feature is intended to include historic mines, caves and other places of speleological interest within the United Kingdom.

  • To assist in the publication of material intended to promote the conservation of caves and features therein or the conservation of a specific site or group of caves
  • To assist with the physical protection of features within a specific cave or group of caves
  • To assist in works designed to maintain access to a cave or part of a cave, but not solely to assist exploration
  • To assist in the purchase of land or property where such acquisition is intended to ensure the protection of, or maintenance of access to, a cave or caves.

Projects are normally required to be of an emergency nature and ones for which no other support is available. Funding for suitable projects is usually offered in the form of a loan, but grants are sometimes available. Further advice can be obtained from a member of the committee.

Donations to the Fund are always welcome. Please contact Jenny Potts if you wish to make a donation.

A committee of four regional representatives and a member of BCRA Council administers the Fund. The regional representatives are appointed by BCRA Council for a five year term from individuals nominated by the regional councils.

To discuss a project or to make an application for help please contact a committee member, preferably your regional representative. Committee members will try to respond quickly and in any case within five days, but please do try another committee member if your enquiry is not answered quickly (in case of illness / holidays etc).

This site is maintained by the British Cave Research Association (UK registered charity 267828).
Registered Office: The Old Methodist Chapel, Great Hucklow, BUXTON, SK17 8RG.
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